Solid waste Management

Segregation is fundamental to waste minimization and essential for effective waste management. It has to execute according to specific disposal requirements.


Recycling is an essential component of modern waste reduction. Recycling aims to
improve environmental sustainability by substituting raw material inputs and redirecting waste outputs out of the economic system.

Dry waste collection

Once mixed, it cannot be fixed. Segregation and Collection of dry wastes separately make the recycling process much

Solid waste Management

Segregation is fundamental to waste minimization and essential for effective waste management. It has to execute according to specific disposal requirements.

Why recycle

Recycling is an essential component of modern waste reduction. Recycling aims to
improve environmental sustainability by substituting raw material inputs and redirecting waste outputs out of the economic system.

Dry waste collection

Once mixed, it cannot be fixed. Segregation and Collection of dry wastes separately make the recycling process much

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